Jr. Youth Group

Jr. Youth Group is a Tuesday afternoon games and devotions club for children in grades 4-7.

Jr. Youth Group at CHT

Jr. Youth Group meets bi-weekly, on Tuesdays from 5-6 pm. Our program consists of two 25 minute game/activity sessions split in the middle by a 10 minute devotional and snack time.

Jr. Youth is run by Erika-Shaye, our children's outreach coordinator, assisted by Alex, our Youth Coordinator.

We would love to see you and your family join us for Jr. Youth group!

Next meeting is January 9, 2024

Meet our Children's Outreach Coordinator

Erika-Shaye Gair joined the staff at CHT in September of 2022, and has been delighted to launch our Jr. Youth Group in January of 2023, which she runs with support from Alex Ma, our Youth Coordinator. Erika-Shaye recently completed her Education degree at Simon Fraser University, and loves spending her time working at and attending Cariboo Hill Temple.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning Jr. Youth Group or other Children's Ministries, please contact Erika-Shaye at the email below.
